Birth Mark Removal Treatment

Birthmarks are common skin conditions that occur at or near birth. They appear in a variety of colours, ranging from red to brown. There are several ways of treating these marks, and it will depend on the age of the individual, and the birthmark at hand.

At Sparsh Skin – Hair - Laser Clinic, we offer birthmark treatment for a variety of different types. We treat birth marks including; epidermal and sebacceousnaevi, café au lait patches, port wine stain birthmarks, hemangiomas (strawberry patches) and spider naevi. In most cases, Laser Treatment is recommended for birth mark. With some birthmarks such as the hemangioma, it's important to treat them as early as possible. There are three major types of birthmark:

Vascular Birthmarks:

Abnormal vascular lesions , or birth marks like Port Wine Stain and Hemangiomas are treated with the pulse dye laser which produce a beam of yellow light that passes harmlessly through the translucent layer of the skin and specifically heats the red blood vessels causing the lesion. Because the beam is emitted in short pulses, the heat produce in the blood diffuses without damaging the surrounding tissue. After the heated blood congeals, the vessels atrophy. Thus, the laser removes or dramatically fades the marks with virtually no scarring.

Macular Birthmarks:

Macular birthmarks are sometimes known as salmon patches and are flat, normally light pink patches of skin. They are most commonly found on the neck and eyelids. Those on the eyelids tend to fade over time, however the marks on the neck tend not to.

igmentation Birthmarks: Pigmented birth marks like Nevus of Ota, Becker's Nevus, Nevus, Hairy Nevus, Cafe Au Lait etc. are usually present at birth and will slowly increase in size in proportion to the individual. Flat birth marks Nevus of Ota, becker'snevus,Cafe Au Laitetc.are occasionally treated, with good result with the use of our Accolade or Yag laser. The laser light is absorbed selectively by birth marks particles and melanin. The laser energy is converted to heat and causes mechanical destruction of the particles by photoacoustic shock wave , result is fragmentation of the target chromophore.